Thursday, March 29, 2007

Feel like chasing a goose?

Laura, in NYC, NY, emailed to ask us about a way to remember the difference between lose and loose. "How do you remember, between 'lose' and 'loose,' which one sounds like it has a 'z'?"

Here's a way:

You can let loose a goose, but don't lose your shoes chasing it!

Maybe that doesn't help with the "z" sound too much, but it does emphasize the difference in "o" sounds.
Plus it's funny to imagine chasing a goose...

(Photo courtesy of Mark Mitchell, Atlanta, GA)


Laura said...
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Laura said...

Thanks, that's great! Same with "choose" and "chose"?

Meredith said...

Actually, just to make things difficult, "choose" sounds like "shoes" or "snooze" and "chose" sounds like "rose" or "snows".

So if you choose to let loose a goose, remember you chose to lose your shoes chasing it.

That probably didn't help. That probably made it worse. Hey, we don't make any promises! :)