Friday, April 18, 2008

A little punctuation game we like to play...

I can remember being in middle school sitting around the dinner table while my high school aged sister and her future husband debated a question raised by my father: what are the eleven punctuation marks? The debate has continued for many many years, and occasionally one of us will get a phone call from our father with that same question: What are the eleven punctuation marks?

Test yourself. What are they? Post responses in the comments section...that's where my answer is going.

PS No cheating and looking at the keyboard; figure it out first!


Meredith said...

period, comma, quotation marks, apostrophe, dash, hyphen, exclamation point, question mark, parentheses, semicolon, colon.

That's my answer. Remember, it's up for debate. I can think of at least two more :-)

Zee said...

I came up with the following 9:
period, comma, quotation mark, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point, colon, semi-colon, hyphen.

I will add parentheses from Meredith's answer.

That still leaves me one shy... I think I would choose to include a slash (/) before a dash.

Clearly, we need a fancy acronym for this so we can remember them all!

Meredith said...

We've got to toss ellipses and brackets on too for good measure...I'll work on that acronym!

Daniele said...
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Daniele said...

Check this out:

And by the way, I'm the one who started that game after I heard a radio quiz about the eleven punctuation marks. But now that I'm doing some research, the answer I seem to find most often is fourteen...