Friday, April 18, 2008

A little punctuation game we like to play...

I can remember being in middle school sitting around the dinner table while my high school aged sister and her future husband debated a question raised by my father: what are the eleven punctuation marks? The debate has continued for many many years, and occasionally one of us will get a phone call from our father with that same question: What are the eleven punctuation marks?

Test yourself. What are they? Post responses in the comments section...that's where my answer is going.

PS No cheating and looking at the keyboard; figure it out first!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Kindred Spirit

The syntax sisters might be in love (don't tell our husbands)!

This man travels the country with a sign-correcting kit, fixing spelling and apostrophes. Check out this news clip of "The Typo Tour":